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Staff Spotlight: What’s it Like to Work at Duthie?

Duthie staff gathered together in celebration.

You probably chose Duthie because our friendly staff works hard to make your generator — and all processes related to it — run smoothly. 

These unsung heroes deserve to be better known and celebrated, so that’s what we’re doing with our brand-new Staff Spotlight series. New for 2021, this series will highlight the backbone of Duthie’s 55+ year growth: our diverse team members who bring a multitude of different skills and experiences together to create your best customer experience possible. 

While each future post will focus on one individual’s unique story, today we’re kicking the series off with several team members’ insights into how the entirety of Duthie works together. The word that kept coming up again and again? Family.

A Kind, Caring Family 


While many companies claim to treat their staff “like family,” some of these evidently mean “a dysfunctional one.” In contrast, Duthie team members noted a universal atmosphere of sympathy, understanding, and good communication:  

“8 Years of a Dream Job”

Sales Engineer Garrett Talbott’s dream has come true — for eight years. 

I’ve worked at Duthie Power Services for eight years now and it truly is a “dream job,” he says. “I personally love the family-oriented environment and how they make me feel like family every day. This company is a gem and they have always put their employees first. 

I love my job, this company and everyone I work with.”

“One of the Most Pleasant and Supportive Places I’ve Ever Worked For” 

As Office Manager, Karen Fic interacts with many Duthie employees. She has only good things to say about the atmosphere they create:

“I will have been at Duthie for 15 years this September, and this is one of the most pleasant places I’ve ever worked for. My coworkers are pleasant and supportive, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better as my employer. I appreciate how they take care of their employees like they’re family.”

“My Second Home” 

Duthie Accountant Kim Phi says, “I’ve been at Duthie for 25 years, so it’s almost like my second home. I feel close to my colleagues because everyone is very nice and helpful. Even when mistakes happen, we are understanding, so the environment is very much like family.”

“Allows a Healthy Work/Life Balance”

No matter how family-like Duthie is, most staff members do have their own families at home. In a world where many companies expect employees to routinely forego much-needed quality time, Duthie always respects their need for a balanced life.  

“Duthie Power is very accommodating and allows you to have a good work/life balance,” says Customer Service Specialist Jeffrey Castellanos. “I’ve been at Duthie power for two years now, and I feel like I joined a good work-family since day one!”

“We Give Each Other a Helping Hand”

Jeffrey had much more to say, especially about his experience working in three different Duthie teams. 

“We’re listened to as employees — no idea is written off,” he adds. “I’ve worked for the service department, sales, and rentals. In each place, I’ve learned so much with no questions unanswered. The technicians are very knowledgeable with decades of experience, and I’ve witnessed so many times how they’re all willing to give each other a helping hand.”

“Cultivates Long-Term Vision and Growth”

Kyle Michael, now San Diego Head of Sales, found himself changing his entire attitude towards sales when he came to Duthie from a previous job at a national home renovation franchise. 

“We were always being pushed to hit a quota,” he says of his past job. “The higher-ups didn’t know or care about you as a person, or whether the customer actually needed everything you were selling them. If you didn’t hit your daily quota, you were out.” 

This encouraged Kyle to adopt a sales-first “catch the next big fish” mentality that he found himself changing once he started at Duthie. 

“Since we have to build a long-lasting relationship with our customers, that changed my focus from “get the biggest numbers” to “what does this customer really need, and what don’t they need?” he remembers. 

“Duthie helped me to truly help customers instead of trying to sell as much as I could, and to be there for my sales team. If any of my team has a question, they call me on my cell to talk it over — even at night. That’s how available I try to be to them.”

This long-term, relationship-building strategy empowered Kyle to successfully lead the new San Diego Duthie office’s outreach. 

“It’s not the easiest thing to find a place where you can grow along with the company, to see where it started and see where it goes,” he says. “There’s lasting power and a lasting desire for people to work in such a business.”

“Once You Start Working For Duthie, You Don’t Leave”

…but not in a Hotel California “you can check out, but never leave” way! 

Rather, Sales Operation Coordinator Corinne Rodriguez says, “Just as customers are with us for years and years because of our professionals’ 5-star service, there’s very little turnover at Duthie because the company offers its employees that same caring service. In contrast to previous places I’ve worked, I’m always learning new things and growing my knowledge base here. 

That’s why, once you start working for Duthie, you don’t leave. Our number of staff grows, but we all stay because we have everything we need right here.”

6 Feet Apart For Now, But Always Together

For such a close-knit office, 2020 was a major test of their camaraderie — and one it passed with flying colors. 

“I feel like we overcame 2020 together (6 feet apart) as a family,” says Jeffrey. “I look forward to many years as a Duthie member.” 

A sentiment echoed by many Duthie members, and one we hope to keep alive for many years to come! 

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