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If I Have an ATS Why is There a Time Delay When the Power Goes Off?

Prevent Electrical Backfeeding

One of the main reasons there’s a time delay between when you lose utility power and when your generator starts is to prevent electrical backfeeding to the grid. The automatic transfer switch isolates the power so line workers fixing utility power lines aren’t put at risk of electrocution.

How the ATS Time Delay Works

There’s a system of ATS time delays just in case power goes off and comes right back on – you don’t want your generator switching to emergency power at that point.

So after a certain amount of time, 1 to 2 seconds of a voltage dip, the generator will get a crank signal from your automatic transfer switch.

When the generator comes up to voltage, (which is sensed by your automatic transfer switch) it then transfers power from utility to the generator.

For more information about power delay switches, request a quote or give us a call at 1-800-899-3931.

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