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Big machines you may need for new generator installation

My name is Corinne Rodriguez. I have been with Duthie Power Services since 2013, and I project manage all our new equipment installations. Part of my expertise is in acquiring the big machines that you’re going to need for a new equipment installation so, let’s just start from the beginning. You’re going to need a way to offload the equipment itself. Your generator, your automatic transfer switch, and any Associated accessories you’re either going to need a forklift or a crane. I think any of our installations that require a crane, say in like downtown LA where we need to shut down the street, you can park the crane there. Once in place, you see that crane holding the generator all the way up and placing it on the rooftop of a high-rise. To me, those are fun, those are cool to see.

We also down in San Diego did a great custom generator installation in an underground parking garage. Big installation machines are always going to add more time and they’re going to add more costs to your job, however it’s worth it if we’re making sure that this is going to fit the customer’s needs and we’ll always work with a customer.

You know if it’s smaller and we can use a forklift instead of a crane then we’re going to do that. If we can do something during off hours that will help cut the cost and mitigate that then we’re also going to do that. You do need special permits for big machines. A lot of our new equipment installations we need to shut down a major Street or a Boulevard to set up a crane there, you do need a permit. For that you have to work with the Department of Transportation most times. My name is Corrine. Thanks so much for tuning in and I hope you learned something new today.

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