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The Duthie Power Fleet

The Duthie Power Fleet

Industrial Generator Rental Fleet

Narrated by: Randy Gross, Duthie Power’s Service Manager.

Keeping our fleet reliable, is obviously something we have to do. We are an emergency service business.

When working on fire life safety equipment, response is absolutely critical. So we refresh our fleet constantly, and we know that’s not something a lot of other companies do. Duthie has chose to spend their money wisely in keeping our fleet constantly up to date. We have a great relationship with Enterprise, which is where we get all our vehicles from. This allows us to always have up to date trucks on the road.

As a former technician, I always appreciated having a lift gate on my truck, as I know all of our current technicians do. Not a lot of companies have these on all of their trucks, and I know it makes the job much easier. It makes delivering heavy equipment, that much easier. It makes it possible for large, heavy equipment (such as a large drum of oil, or heavy batteries) to be delivered with just one or two employees.  It is one more way that Duthie makes sure we can get the job done.

For more information on our generator service or to request a quote click here: or give us a call at 1-800-899-3931

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