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How Can Remote Generator Monitoring Cut Expensive Emergency Service Visits in Half?

Laptop screen showing, a new website for remote generator monitoring.

Your smartphone’s probably monitoring something remotely — and for good reason. For many years, we’ve been able to get instant and often crucial updates on our health, homes, and even cars via remote monitoring and diagnosis. 

Now you can keep your generator ready for action the same way. Standby generator remote monitoring of performance prevents many expensive issues before they even occur, and keeps your generator shipshape so it doesn’t fail when it’s needed most. 

Prevents Inconvenient (and Expensive) Generator Failures

For example, batteries tend to be ignored by owners…until their generators don’t start. 

“There’s a saying in the generator industry that over 50% of generator failures are caused by weak batteries,” says Andy Rogers, Vice President of Business Development at remote monitoring company Ayantra. “Literally half the time, if a generator doesn’t turn on when it’s needed, it turns out that it’s because the battery’s weak. 

Remote monitoring provides real-time updates of your generator and its components’ performance, including battery status. It notifies when batteries need to be charged, fuel needs to be refilled, a service visit is due, and many other issues. Some even allow us to remotely start your generator to make sure it runs! These notifications allow Duthie to fix many problems before an outage occurs. 

Since batteries need to perform optimally in an emergency, this helps our customers avoid at least 50% of generator failure issues.” 

Keeps an Eye on As Many Generators As You Need

Remote generator health monitoring capabilities are essential to homeowners and commercial building managers alike, but building managers with several generators can take even more advantage of it.  

“Our remote monitoring service reports the location and status of each generator you have in your fleet, as well as alerting people for weak batteries, faults, and services due,” says Andy. “Fleet managers can rest easy knowing that they’ll know instantly if anything goes wrong, and so will be able to resolve it quickly. They have peace of mind knowing that their generators will function properly in an emergency, no matter what.” 

Compliance Reports with a Single Button Push

Since Ayantra is based in California, it gives commercial generator owners in California a very tangible benefit: compliance reports. 

“The state of California requires generators of a certain size to be registered with the state,” explains Andy. “Based on a site’s location, the state will specify an allotment for total engine run-hours over the course of the calendar year, plus a separate allotment for total exercise hours for the year.

Local inspectors can go to any site and demand a compliance report to see if that generator ran for too long, was used too much, or exceeded allotment hours for test purposes. 

Running a manual report is usually a time-consuming pain, but Ayantra generator monitoring can create accurate compliance reports at the touch of a button. This is a unique offering because since we’re based in California, we know the local regulations intimately. So we built in this option to make running reports much more convenient for our California customers.”  

Our Experience with Remote Generator Monitoring

Here at Duthie, we’ve experienced how Ayantra’s remote monitoring has freed up our service technicians to do what only they (not bots) can do. The instant notifications that result in routine service visits have cut down on the number of emergency visits our team has had to make. Since emergency visits and big repairs are significantly more expensive for our customers, this saves our clients both money and frustration. 

“Ayantra’s remote monitoring helps us bring support to our clients without demanding more manpower (and the ensuing greater expense),” says Jennifer Watkins, marketing manager at Duthie. “This allows us to perform better for our customers.”

We ourselves use Ayantra to actively monitor the location of every generator in our rental fleet, as well as any customers whose generators have a remote monitoring capacity. If you’re considering remote generator management, call us up at 562-790-1772 or contact us online to find out more from a professional generator expert. 

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